Insights, trends, news, and stories on Corporate Innovation, Startup Acceleration, Partnerships, and more.


Insights Insights

Build Your Pitch Towards Authenticity, Not Just an Investment

I’ve been listening to a lot of pitches this past week, and I’m always shocked at the airs that founders will try and put on to impress you. I cannot speak for other investors, but for me that doesn’t do it. I am too old. I am cynical. I see too many pitches. These founders are trying to convince you, almost will you, into an investment. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, I get a viscerally negative reaction. I would advise founders to just be the best version of you. Be authentic.

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Insights Insights

Growth in the Downturn: One Impossible Thing at Time

When it comes to growth in light of the recent funding environment, many founders are reacting in one of two extreme ways – either they have totally shut down all growth spending to zero, or they panic and are trying to cover the table of activities. So what’s one to do? How can you structure the balance between doing too much and too little, especially in this environment?

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